Matsuyama: Camellia Animation

Matsuyama: Camellia Animation by David Koblesky from usa

designer's own words:

I propose to create a series of short looping animations for the city of Matsuyama based on the Camellia flower, which is the flower of Matsuyama. The animation shows the flower blooming and the petals scattering to the wind.

The animation in the video and the stills is just one potential version and the design can be adapted for a variety of uses.

The animation can be used as a looping gif for websites or social media but it can also be adapted to High Definition to be part of a longer video. It can even be easily reformatted to fit well on the new Instagram TV channel, which will likely be quite popular later this year. Any frame can also be rendered as high resolution for printing.

I have built the prototype for this in a very specific style in which the flower is modeled in 3D but treated so that it looks hand drawn. The lines vibrate, which is very compelling to watch. Since I have developed this style I have been featured in several art publications.

Since the design is done originally in 3D, many adjustments can be easily made if necessary to adapt the basic design to other formats, including camera angle, position, coloring and length of animation.

If I were to win the prize, I would work with the committee and planners to provide various versions that can used for a variety of purposes that will help promote Matsuyama during Design Week.