Matsuyama Fower Poster

Matsuyama Fower Poster by shun adachi from japan

designer's own words:

I designed a poster that can be used variously from the historical image of Matsuyama city in Ehime prefecture and the image of flowers. My work is not just flower design in Matsuyama city, Ehime prefecture. I designed the historic and deep image of Matsuyama City, which I feel instantaneously.
In Japanese, "Setsuna" means "moment".
In order to do this design, I designed it using the technique "dripping".
By doing so, I created a deep momentary image.

Matsuyama Fower Poster”setuna”①


Matsuyama Fower Poster
Matsuyama Fower Poster”setuna”②


Matsuyama Fower Poster
Matsuyama Fower Poster”setuna”③


Matsuyama Fower Poster
Matsuyama Fower Poster”Yabutsubaki”①


Matsuyama Fower Poster
Matsuyama Fower Poster”Yabutsubaki”②


Matsuyama Fower Poster
Matsuyama Fower Poster”Yabutsubaki”③