first announced in june 2015, MX3D’s ambitious, fully functional, 3D printed metal bridge is ready for installation in amsterdam following its ongoing week on show at the dutch design week 2018. designed by joris laarman lab, the stainless steel construction hints at its vast size, as well as complex, strong and graceful geometries. the bridge which is scheduled to be installed in early 2019 will span across oudezijds achterburgwal, one of the oldest and most famous canals of amsterdam, netherlands.

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D
the span measures 12.5m in length and 6.3m in width
image © joris laarman lab
(main image: image © thijs wolzak)



I strongly believe in the future of digital production and local production, in “the new craft”,’ describes joris laarman, when announcing the project back in 2015. ‘this bridge will show how 3D printing finally enters the world of large-scale, functional objects and sustainable materials while allowing unprecedented freedom of form. the symbolism of the bridge is a beautiful metaphor to connect the technology of the future with the old city, in a way that brings out the best of both worlds.’ 

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D
the update shows the complex geometries of the design
image © adriaan de groot



using specially designed MX3D software and multi-axis industrial robots, it took these four machines six months of printing to complete the full span of the metal bridge. measuring 12.5 meters in length and 6.3m in width, the design currently weighs 4,500 kg and uses over 1100km of wire. before being installed in 2019, the bridge’s next phrase of development is testing, where its structural integrity will be verified.

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D
four robots took six months of printing to finalize the full span of the bridge
image © adriaan de groot



the use of this newly developed construction method has demanded a new safety standard be developed. according to reports, MX3D worked with amsterdam officials to do so and even coordinated with partners including the UK’s alan turing institute to equip it with a network of sensors. these sensors will help provide data regrading bridge traffic and structural integrity. the bridge has been made with a steel deck to provide additional stability.


video by MX3D bridge

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D

proposed design
image © joris laarman lab

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D

all other images courtesy of MX3D

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D

world's first 3D printed steel bridge is ready for installation says MX3D