borders, the latest installation by london-based artist and designer arthur analts consists of a series of wall-mounted steel sculptures. in light of recent debates and interest in borders, performing both as abstract metaphors and as physical barriers that define and protect nations, the installation explores the duality of what can be seen and the underlying, layered narrative.

arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
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analts draws on notions of borders from within political discourse and popular culture to reflect on their ambivalence — both as boundaries of our social and personal relations and as those imposed at the edges of nation states. the wall-mounted steel sculptures initially resemble chain-link fences, but on closer inspection they are made up of interconnected shapes of people.

arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
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arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
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arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
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arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
chain-link fence consists of interconnected shapes of people

arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
the steel sculptures embody the dual character of borders

arthur analts borders’ latest installation explores the dual character of borders
arthur analts


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: sofia lekka angelopoulou | designboom