The carpet is made of felt and comprises more than 500 laser-cut slices. It is 120 cm wide, 150 cm long, and 8 cm high.


“120 km” is a carpet, named after the 120 km-journey of the emperor penguin. Meticulously designed, the carpet’s unique form invites viewers to let their eyes roam over the carpet, where each angle of observation offers a new view of the road, rendering a different picture of the entire journey. The carpet is made of felt and comprises more than 500 laser-cut slices. It is 120 cm wide, 150 cm long, and 8 cm high. There are 15 holes in each slice. Some 8,000 holes were woven together in this project alone. Each slice was designed to produce a composition that conveys continuity and enables the clear distinction between the penguins. The mountains, plains, and outlines of Antarctica as seen in aerial photographs were a source of inspiration for this work. This project makes no claim to set boundaries to the journey; only to provide a different viewpoint of it. It is an attempt to outline the penguins’ dominating urge to migrate and the personal story of each one of us.


The mountains, plains, and outlines of Antarctica as seen in aerial photographs were a source of inspiration for this work.


Each slice was designed to produce a composition that conveys continuity and enables the clear distinction between the penguins.


Top-view detail


8,000 holes were woven together in this project alone


Detail of work in process


Side-view detail


Other interpretation, referred to the climate change (the global warming). It looks like the penguins are walking in the desert.. 🙁


The stool is a project inspired by the work “120 km”. In fact, you might say, a sequel project. It is 34 cm wide, and 34 cm high. Made of felt, sponge and wire.


Photography (carpet&stool): Oded Smadar.

