valentina, an italian comic strip series created in 1965 by the italian artist guido crepax, was one of the most intriguing characters in the comic’s history. paying tribute to crepax, wallpaper company wallpepper® transforms the comic series into an aesthetic centerpiece for any room. ‘thanks to our collaboration with antonio, caterina and giacomo crepax, we had an unlimited access to guido’s archive.’ explains diego locatelli, director and founder of wallpepper®. ‘it took a long time to review all the materials and to select the first subjects for the reproduction on the wall.’

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
‘a spasso tra le rovine’ (walking among the ruins)



frescoes of battles in the far east and sketches of historic cities featuring the beloved black-bobbed heroin showcase crepax‘s artistic complexities. by reinterpreting crepax’s comics, wallpepper® immortalizes the artist’s fine art collection with a life-size version of handpicked pieces. the nuances of overlooked details found in the comic books are exploded onto a wall, displaying the intricacies of every piece. crepax has produced advertising campaigns for international companies and hundreds of illustrations for magazines, cover albums, interior decoration, fashion and design, some of which will be show at the wallpepper® showroom.

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
la forza di gravità (the force of gravity)

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
valentina nella città (valentina in the city)

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
valentina come olympia (valentina like olympia)

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
strappi (rips)

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
visioni di primavera (visions of spring)

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
viaggiatore immobile (immobile traveler)

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
blue china

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper

valentina by guido crepax transformed into life-size wallpaper by wallpepper
mare d’inverno (winter sea)



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynn chaya | designboom