Apple Flow

Apple Flow by CarlosCarsolio from mexico

designer's own words:

People give life to the Apple flow sculpture while they traverse the spiral path through the sliced pulp area. The core is the sliced Hirosaki Castle. Inside the castle is the hyperboloid with a spiral stair to the top of the Apple.

The construction system consists of a central hyperboloid that gives support to the numerous slices. Each flat slice is engraved with a landscape, landmark or icon of Hirosaki life and culture, like the cherry blossoms, the Mount Iwaki, the horticulture or the Tosho-gu shrine, that would be chosen by the author considering the suggestions of the Hirosaki council. The drawings are only conceptual due to the complexity of the piece. Next step should be a 3D maquete, detailed blue prints and digital files for impresion.

Each slice is about 15cm thick, made of two interconected plaques of perforated steel. Each steel plaque is laser cut in the factory. All the slices are ensambled on site, covered and filled with a special microstructured concrete that wil be sculpted and engraved.

I developed this construction system and applied it succesfuly in many of my monumental interactive sculptures. The Hirosaki Apple Flow could be the first one of my series of sliced thorus sculptures.

The final size of the piece could be decided according to the site and budget.

The piece could be replicated in small sizes and diferent materials as souvenir, jewelry, ornaments, etc, and its image could be printed in diferent media like brochures, postcards, tshirts, etc.

Conceptual image of Apple Flow Sculpture.


Apple Flow
Conceptual image of Apple Flow Sculpture.


Apple Flow
Conceptual image of Apple Flow Sculpture.