Apple Playground

Apple Playground by BriannaSorgen from usa

designer's own words:

My idea is a playground that will be placed in a busy area. The target audience I am trying to reach is children from ages four to twelve. The reason I came up with this idea is to focus on the sense of community in Hirosaki. Not only will this apple bring children together, but it can be a social gathering area for anyone. This apple playground will bring two highlights of the community together, apples and families.
The outside of will have a slide, ladder, hopping pads, and an entrance into the inner playground. Inside the apple will be a basic playground layout. On the design I submitted it has stairs going up into a tube where children can climb through. It also has a merry-go-round, climbing stool, sandbox, and a playhouse. The layout is a rough and can be easily changed and updated.


Apple Playground