‘elephant cart’ by nam june paik (1999-2001)

jump now
at: nam june paik art center, yongin, gyeonggi province, korea
from: october 9th, 2008 – february 5th, 2009

nam june paik art center just opened this month in the yongin, geyonggi province of korea. the center, is dedicated to the much celebrated video and installation artist who passed away two years ago. the first exhibition to take place will be ‘jump now’. a small-scale biennale, the exhibition will not only display projects by paik, but will include the works of 113 artists from 19 countries, a generation of artists which paik influenced.

nam june paik art center opens in korea ‘three elements’ by nam june paik (1997-2000)

nam june paik art center opens in korea nam june paik art center in yongin, gyeonggi province, korea all images © nam june paik art center


nam june paik: http://www.paikstudios.com nam june paik art center: http://www.njpartcenter.kr — via the korea times