wikinews launched a tsunami help page to collect links to relief effort resources including aid agencies, missing and found people, news updates, and helpline numbers. the emergency database was created by contributors to the SEA-EAT (tsunami help) blog. designers, architects … you can donate online – through paypal – just 1 euro or 2 would make a difference! architecture for humanity and for example launched a reconstruction appeal. they set an intial target for rebuilding of USD 15,000 (enough to build a dozen homes, 2 schools or one mobile medical clinic). as of 11pm on december 29th they have reached USD 14,300 from 220 donors. they are currently assembling local-based design and construction teams to work with carefully vetted relief groups and also refining a set of criteria for design/build work that will include employing local labor and construction techniques as well as economic and environmental sustainability. architecture for humanity