paris / new york: design fashion culture 1925 – 1940
at: museum of the city of new york, new york
from: october 3rd, 2008 – february 22nd, 2009

‘paris / new york: design fashion culture 1925-1940’ is a survey of the creative happenings which occurred in
the fields of architecture, design and fashion during the 1920s and ’30s. the creatives of this era rarely worked
in isolation, but rather practiced creating dialogues which crossed international boundaries resulting in a strong
collaborative process between artists and designers. this conversation was quite emminent between the cities
of new york and paris. this dynamic creativity which shone through these cities in the 20th-century will be
presented in this exhibition, supported by the works of such legendary figures coco chanel, and salvador dali,
along with lesser known artists and designers, bringing together a collection of drawings, furniture, costumes,
posters, decorative objects, photographs, and films which have never been exhibited before.

museum of the city of new york: