Flat Illunination

Flat Illunination by Yating Qiu from usa

designer's own words:

The Flat Illumination is inspired by the advantages of OLED over traditional lighting. To better illustrate the thin and light quality of OLED panels, the lamp outlines a cube edges on a simple plane. Thus it has an illusion of a three-dimensional object while actually, it is flat. The metal frame is coated with multiple layers of different material to conduct electricity. In this way, no extra wire is needed, which gives the lighting a cleaner impression.

A group of the Flat Illumination lamps.
Flat Illunination
A group of the Flat Illumination lamps arranged linear.
Flat Illunination
Detail view of the Flat Illumination.
Flat Illunination
The Flat Illumination lamp used in domestic setting.