dutch artist and designer sander wassink has showcased ‘contrabande’, an exhibition displayed at the museum boijmans van beuningen in rotterdam until 26 february 2017. simultaneously, wassink has been part of dutch design week where he was a guest at the daily design talk show’s ‘create out loud #3 spirituality in design. the talk led the guests to discuss how a more spiritual approach to design can help to shape the future in a more ethical and economical way. ‘contrabande’ is yet another example of this approach to the creative practice.

sander wassink contrabande at the museum boijmans van beuningen
all images courtesy of sander wassink




sander wassink’s creative practice is recognized for product deconstruction and revolves around the notions of history, memory and preservation. for ‘contrabande’, the exhibition traces back the history and process of chair by renowned dutch industrial designer W.H. gispen. wassink traveled to morocco to produce a remake of an original gispen chair using the available fabrication techniques. drawing influence from the exotic country, the results see techniques including interweaving and knotting employed to locally-sourced materials. furthermore, with the help of local craftsmen in morocco, the vibrantly colored interpretation of the gispen chair was produced.

the artist and designer traveled to morrocco for the project




‘the products we consume every day and order online come from all over the world. because the industrial production chain now spreads across the globe, we do not know where things originate: how something is made, how much time and attention has been devoted to it and where it actually comes from.’

interweaving, knotting and fusing local materials were the main elements of producing the reinterpretation

weaving is used with paint layered on top

vibrant and bold colors give the gispen chair a contemporary twist

the pieces are on show at the museum boijmans van beuningen

local craftsmen were hired to help in the reproduction

the artist and designer in morocco





