LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief

LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief by reese butler from usa

designer's own words:

The Last Resort Pod (LRP) was designed in the wake of the recent Hurricane Matthew that decimated much of Haiti, the eastern United States and other Carribean countries. It is a floating survival pod that can be distributed before a severe storm reaches an area, during or kept in an emergency kit.

It can be challenging to fight mother nature's extreme forces, however, we could be much more prepared. An estimated 1,000 plus people died in Haiti alone, this number could be dramatically reduced with the right resources. In the advent of a tornado, you turn to your bunker, an earthquake is a little less obvious and then what do you do when you are battling extreme flooding and a torrential storm?

The LRP is the answer to this; when conditions have gotten so severe that survival is your only consideration, this is your best option. You need protection and you simply need to float till the storm calms down and aid can arrive.

introduction page
LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief
last resort in an emergency
LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief
its all about survival
LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief
LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief
the five steps
LRP - Last Resort Pod for emergency relief
final product