TIME NOTE by tsukada kei from japan
designer's own words:
This time, to harmonize those conflicts that the "pushpin", "Clock", I would like to propose a product that gave a new value-added.
It is a schedule management.
Attaching a pushpin of numbers from 1 to 12 to the wall.
And, attaching a wall clock that radiates to the wall a strong light that represents the hour hand and minute hand.
By combining them, you can add the element of time to the contents of the memo attached by pushpin.
If you pin a recipe on the wall, we will cook in that time. If you pin the design proposal sheet, it is time you have to finish the concept sheet.
So, it changes the fun schedule management tool.
Even in modern times, the act of writing is important to the creation.
I hope to be a product that can be conducive to it.
By Pinning a note, it can be added the time element to what you wrote.
Basic form of clock
View from the oblique side.
By changing the position of the pushpin, you can customize the look as you like.