Box of Future

Box of Future by SU CHANG from usa

designer's own words:

The Box of Future is a 2.5m cubic structure packing six different functions into one compact hybrid module for students in underprivileged areas:

1. The Reading Stairs - a open bookshelf with reading seatings for students;
2. The Painting Wall - a built-in canvas for arts classes;
3. The Lecture Board - a open classroom for small lecture and group study exercises;
4. The Media Lab - a digital study space for students’ access to digital study tools;
5. The Hidden Room - an enclosed intimate space for one-on-one student-teacher consultation;
6. The Fun Roof - a collaborative space for group learning and team spirit building.

The design is intended to be a catalyst to provoke creative learning environment in with best efficiency in situation when resources are limited. Wood and steel elements are prefabricated for onsite light construction to best maximize the construction efficiency.

project description
Box of Future
unfold analysis of functions
Box of Future
situation 1 – informal learning space
Box of Future
situation 2 – indoor learning environment
Box of Future
plans + sections
Box of Future