iftach gazit panopticon chandelier designboom
iftach gazit’s panopticon chandelier watches your every move




the panopticon is an institutional building designed by  philosopher and social theorist jeremy bentham in the late 18th century. the design allows the watchman to observe every single inmate without them being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. this watchful eye causes prisoners to become aware of their behaviour and actions, restricting them of their privacy and their dignity.

iftach gazit panopticon chandelier designboom
the chandelier was fitted with led floodlights and webcams made in china




designer iftach gazit has used this concept for the basis of his ‘panopticon chandelier’ which uses LED floodlights and webcams tied together in order to watch your every move. the idea was to create a 3D representation of our current security focused world, where our actions and observations are constantly observed. our relationship with the device blurs the line between our own personal sense of security and privacy. everyday we reveal much about ourselves, from what we buy and where we go, which allows corporations to gather more and more information from consumers. the installation draws upon these themes, by building upon the ‘panopticon’ in a modern and relevant representation.  




the project was created at bezelal academy of arts & design (industrial design dept) under the guidance of tal gur

iftach gazit panopticon chandelier designboom
view from the inside   



iftach gazit panopticon chandelier designboom
concept sketch




designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions  feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: hollie smith | designboom