artist-edition thanksgiving meals by hannah rothstein
all images courtesy of hannah rothstein




in advance of the american thanksgiving holiday on november 26th, san-francisco based artist hannah rothstein shares her ‘seconds’ series of artist-edition holiday meals. following her first collection of creative plates — where she imagined decorative dinners from van gogh to rothko — rothstein adds ten new artists to ‘thanksgiving special’: damien hirst, keith haring, joan miró, salvador dali, jean-michel basquiat, georgia o’keeffe, gustav klimt, christo and jeanne-claude, kara walker and man ray.

a keith haring-themed plate sees corn kernels form the silhouette of one of haring’s distinctive figures



each of the mashups humorously reinterpret traditional thanksgiving menu items like corn, turkey, stuffing and beans into simple, yet descriptive drawings. carefully placed yellow kernels form the silhouette of one of keith haring’s distinctive dancing figures; a symmetrical flower sculpted from food defines the feast of georgia o’keeffe; and damien hirst’s meal is well…submerged in a tank of formaldehyde. see the full series here

the joan miró edition is characterized by abstract, colorful lines and shapes made of green beans and corn 

warped portions of turkey and stuffing define the plate imagined for salvador dali

christo and jeanne-claude’s plate is humorously wrapped in an orange tarp and secured with ropes