NIMBLE ONE by jean eric menezes from france

designer's own words:

Safety 3.0
The bike helmet Nimble One is a safety solution for cyclist. It provides protection and give bright signals to his environment. The bike helmet Nimble One provides you the possibility to anticipate inside the urban flux.
What is anticipation ?
What could help us to anticipate ?
Anticipation is when you are in a rush, and something warns you.

When are we in the rush ?
When we work, when we have a emergency, when we are under pressure.

The bike helmet Nimble One can drive you safely.

Nimble One is made of 2 parts. The upper part protecting the biker's head is made of polystyrene. And the second part maintains the head and keeps the helmet tight. It is made of silicon and can be adapted to the form of the biker's head.

Nimble One integrates a laser projector, that signals the biker's safety zone to automobilists and pedestrians. This safety zone is directly projected on the floor, and determines a visual "bikeline" on both sides of the biker.

An additional serie of sensors and captors is also part of the helmet. Acceleration sensor, gyroscope, GPS, RFID, and distance sensor, bring various benefits to the helmet user :

1. With the helmet, the cyclist can specify his next direction
2. The helmet can also send a GPS signal to others Lexus cars giving to them its position, and providing the possibility to Lexus users to anticipate the presence of Nimble One user.

The laser projector sends to the floor 2 light lines. Those lines represent the safety zone for a regular cyclist. It helps to signal to other users around the presence of the biker.

The laser projector can also send directional arrows, that give a clear message to the automobilist.

The movement captors, anticipate where the cyclist wants to go by assimilating the natural balance of the biker's head. In reaction, the Nimble One signals the future direction of the biker by projecting on the ground a luminous bikeline.

The helmet is pilotable like he naticipate the next movement of the cyclist. The Nimble One sends laser lines on the floor, and provides similar information. This time from the back of the helmet by using a small Led screen.

The GPS signal interact with the Lexus cars. It send a message that appear in the smartscreen of the car. The Lexus users are directly informed of the presence of the Nimble One user.

The captors are there to give a unique experience for the Nimble One user.
I case of emergency the captors and emetors brings you a good response to any trouble.

The Nimble One helmet is a today helmet. It use the best of the actual technology. With a fully connected helmet, the biker can experience in a total new way his urban environment

Nimble One is a connected object, that can provide basic informations to the user.

Where do he go, and how he can reach his goal.