
Knows by Holly Palmer from uk

designer's own words:


In 2010 it was estimated 21 million adults suffered at least one allergy, this has increased at a rate of 5% each year. UK hospital admissions for food allergies has increased by 500% since 1990 and in the past 20 years anaphylaxis hospitalisation has increased by 615%. This is due to the fact the number of food allergies in the last decade has doubled, with 50% of sufferers being children.
This design is to prevent allergic reactions and reduce the risk of anaphylaxic shock for severe allergy sufferers. This is accomplished through anticipating contact with the users allergens using mass spectrometry specifically in places where the origin of the food is unsure. The device is linked to an app which holds the particle break down of each food substance. Through different coloured lights the user is informed if the food is safe to consume.
1 in 5 allergy sufferers have a serious debilitating disease and are in fear of death. I believe this device could reduce the number of reactions, while reducing anxiety and stress on allergy sufferers. It gives confidence and support, reducing tension.¬
The device would be made of aluminium a cleanly and non-corroding material as it is working around food. ¬
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Designed to prevent allergic reactions and reduce the risk of anaphylaxic shock
Storyboard of Knows
Knows in its enviroment
Knows light sequence and app responses