Mood Box

Mood Box by Shamma94 from united arab emirates

designer's own words:


Inspired by the moment when a person anticipate the sun to penetrate from within the clouds, and cast its rays on the lands and lighten them up. Which creates a breathtaking view and a happy feeling.

Flexible Solution

Simulate the relation between the sun and the clouds as a natural light source and a shade. The light fitting gives the user a flexible solution
by controlling the intensity of the light using L-shaped light-through acrylic layers. While moving the acrylic layers, the user will anticipate
either a more intense or less intense lighting that is more suitable to their mood. Thus creating feelings of happiness and satisfaction, as well as an intriguing experience.

Playful Experience

The light fitting targets the designers to be used as a playful solution, which enhances their creativity stimulates them to keep on their creations, and trains their brains to get the desired light intensity.


The chosen materials for this light fitting reflect its minimalist and contemporary design, which are acrylic and raw wood. As for the raw wood, it is used for the base of the light fitting to gives it a more stable look and be able to hold the acrylic parts. While the white opaque acrylic is used for all of the L-shaped layer which works light through shades. The acrylic adds a sleek and simple and clean look to the overall design.


The production of light fitting is easy and not very expensive. The materials are obtainable and affordable. The wood base can be cut using CNC cutter, while the acrylic layers can be cut using laser cutter. A bin pin LED light source can be easily installed in the middle of the wood base by creating a hole in the middle.

The image shows the inspirational photo, which is the sun that penetrates through the layers of clouds. As it connects the concept of anticipation to the light fitting design.
Mood Box
The image shows the floor plan technical detail of the light fitting base without the movable layers.

Mood Box
The image shows the section technical detail of the light fitting base.
Mood Box
The image shows the floor plan technical details of the whole light fitting.
Mood Box
The image shows the section technical detail of the whole light fitting, with the movable 5 layers shown clearly.

Mood Box
The image shows the relationship between the inspirational image and the light fitting design and how they share the concept of anticipation