LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App

LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App by E. claassen from south africa

designer's own words:

Anticipation has a lot of synonyms like hope, joy, prospect, expectancy, promise, awaiting... just to mention a few. In real life it seems all these descriptions collectively translate to the feelings and emotions that come along with pregnancy.
The growth of a baby and the stages of pregnancy are traditionally illustrated by comparing it to different sized vegetables and fruits... from week four- the size of a poppy seed, to week forty- the size of a melon.

LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN is a real life App that anticipates the arrival of a new born and functions as a visual calendar which simulates fetal growth. It replaces the impersonal fruit chart comparison by imitating the mothers growing 'belly bump', giving an approximate growth size of the baby at a specific stage in the pregnancy.

In principal this App is a water balloon with an illustration of an baby in the fetus position printed onto the surface of the balloon. As water fills the balloon, the surface stretches through an opening, forcing it to bulge and in return stretches the illustration of the fetus to a bigger size, thus miming growth.The size of the printed illustration matches the baby's actual size on that particular stage in the pregnancy. The flow rate of water that expands the 'balloon belly' is controlled by a drip irrigation technique through a non-return valve, so that the water volume correlate with the growth rate of the pregnancy.

‘belly bump’, giving an approximate growth size of the baby at a specific stage in the pregnancy.
LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App
model 1 and 2 of fetal growth App
LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App
‘Belly bump’ emerge
LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App
week-by-week indicator
LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App
water mechanism
LOOK MUMMY, I'VE GROWN ...a real life App
old fruit/vegetable comparison chart