Lotus-City multi function energy saving system by QUNLEIGU from china
designer's own words:
We cananticipate the energy depletion near the eyes.
According to the bionic design of lotus, capable of collecting system and photovoltaic system through rainwater storage, clean water and light energy conversion. Water storage can is used in the spray nozzle at the bottom of the lotus is used to cool the surrounding, and along the lotus bar rely on gravity downstream, passers provide convenient hand washing water. At the top of the lotus with huge fan storage of solar energy, is converted into electric energy used to drive the spray cooling system, induction hand washing system and night lighting. The huge lotus, also for passers sun and rain. Make full use of the energy of nature, save every drop of water, every ray of sunshine, every once electricity, through this energy saving public facilities to make people move, cherish the resources around.