
Boreal by Cristina Mtz from mexico

designer's own words:

Let’s take a moment to think about our favorite scents, those we love since we were children. It does not take long to catch yourself in remembrance or inside memories that channel those scents, memories that automatically transport us to many different places that we forget about as time passes by, like the kitchen of your grandmother when she was baking cookies and letting you taste the mix out of the spoon, the feeling of the grass beneath you while you were lying down the sun on that park near your house, the smell of pine while you where running downstairs on Christmas for opening your presents ore ven the embrace of your mother whenever you felt scared.

And once we come in contact with them, everything around us banish just to find ourselves inside a safe haven, where all the trouble disappears and there is nothing but peace and joy. That is Boreal, a safe haven for children created by linking the work of a bracelet, a Smart charger and a mobile app.

Nowadays kids are more independient than ever, they seem to learn and grow faster, but none the less they are still kids, kids that still feel blue from time to time and feel fear. When Boreal detects these emotions, thanks to its smart sensor, which once activated releases their favorite scent, the one they love the most and helps calming them. It can be the tobacco from their daddy’s pipe or their mommy’s perfume, the scent variety is as wide as smells in the world.

The sensor is attached to the bracelet and it is contained in a fully-sealed boll which charges wirelessly by tossing it over its charger. The boll can only be open with the help of the mobile app, allowing the scent inside, to be preserved and guarded until the day it is needed. When the kid feels fear because of a foreign agent that represents a real threat, the sensor detects it and empowers the child to pull the hasp bracelet made of silicone, to send an emergency alert message to their loved ones, via GPS-SA that is linked to the mobile app, giving them their location information which will continually be updated every 30 seconds, with the aim of prevent trouble or a pretty pass that goes from being locked in a public bathroom to being kidnaped.
In a safe haven, the kid feels free and calm, which allows them to react and reach out for help if needed, wherever they are. Boreal only starts tracking when the child ask it to.

Every day we observe social problems increase everywhere in the world, where violence and insecurity seems to affect us all, we hear about death or injured people and even missing persons, situations that could be avoided if there was a way to notify someone at the right moment

Boreal introduces a way for children to cope their everyday need even when they feel blue or scared. This image shows how does Boreal interacts with those everyday situations and uncomfortable moments.
Boreal origins and functions will provide you calm and give your children the confidence they need to explore while feeling safe. This image explicates it in a short summary illustrated with the sketching process.
Enlightening explination of the functions from the diverse elements which are part of the bracelet and its mobile connectivity. Also get the chance to preview the various styles for different likings.
Boreal is the link you and your beloved ones need.