The Orbits

The Orbits by sigma from korea

designer's own words:

Astrology and Astronomy

Humankind has been anticipating the past, the present and the future by looking up the sky.

It includes the area of exploring the principle of things, including myths, which are the stories of gods, and the cultures of agricultural society, which are the seasons and harvests of the years. In other words, it includes reading the constellation by linking countless stars together, or creating the almanac from the operation of the Sun and the Moon.


These are based the cycle - revolution, which is an orbit. The calendar is a table listing the revolution periods of the Sun and the Earth. Clock consists of the orbit with the different cycles of second, minute and hour. Since time is based on the almanac, time behaviors, such as anticipation, require a space (the solar system) of the orbit.

Own Solar System

Time is used based on the things that are relative and observed. Thus, each individual has a different sky, and people have their own solar systems. “The orbits” are a tool for people to construct their own systems.

The Orbits

The orbits consist of multiple compasses that can draw circles. The size of running orbits is no larger than an A3 paper. The trajectories drawn on an A3 paper indicate the movements, such as flow and stage of time. Planets are drawn on the trajectories. The planets include the factors that can affect the trajectories. In the process of assembling these factors, their relationships can be systematized. The system can run along with the operation of stars through the relationship with the cycles, beyond the drawing.

On the A3 paper, the trajectories and planets are drawn, and are surrounded by 2 lights. One is an implying light, the Moon, and the other is an instructing light, the Sun. The lights change every moment, and add the possibility of other layers to the things that are already done, which are the trajectories and planets.

Astrology paper
The paper has the record of trajectories and planets. This is similar with astrology, which involves the anticipation for the future. The astrology paper will include their own systems, thoughts and wishes.

The Orbits
The Orbits
Own Solar system
The Orbits
Shape of “The Orbits”
The Orbits
Assembling by User
The Orbits
Elements of “The orbits”