Litter Compression Ship

Litter Compression Ship by Peter Luo from china

designer's own words:

Issue: Nowadays, there are an increasingly large quantity of rubbish floating on the sea surface. Those trash, which can hardly be dealt with in the sea, needs to be transported to the land to dump in the earth. In addition, there is no possibility of natural degradation for most of the marine litter, thus threatening marine ecosystem. At the same time, due to the frequent fishing activities of human being, the number and kind of fishes drop sharply and the habitat is being destroyed.

Introduction: Marine litter compression ship is able to collect the rubbish on the sea surface, compress and dispose them in a specific way, making the trash a unit, and then drop them into the sea. When the treated litter reaches at the bottom of the sea, they will pile up and become a fish hole which is suitable for marine organism. Therefore, not only can the quantity of marine litter be reduced, but also trouble to transport litter to the land will be avoided. What’s more, marine litter will be given special ecology values.

1. Draw and collect marine litter by turbine in the prow;
2. Dispose the litter within the ship, and compress them into units in the same shape;
3. Eject united litter with holes from the stern of the ship, thus becoming a small fish hole;
4. Small litter units pile up and become a large fish hole, providing a new habitat for marine organism.

When the water and the litter enter into the ship, the water will be discharged through the filter at the bottom and rear end of the ship, while the litter will be blocked by the filter at the bottom .When there is a certain amount of litter, the filter at the bottom will lift to send the litter to the processing region.

Marine litter compression ship is able to collect the rubbish on the sea surface, compress and dispose them in a specific way, making the trash a unit, and then drop them into the sea. When the treated litter reaches at the bottom of the sea, they will pile up and become a fish hole which is suitable for marine organism.
Litter Compression Ship
Nowadays, there are an increasingly large quantity of rubbish floating on the sea surface. Those trash, which can hardly be dealt with in the sea, needs to be transported to the land to dump in the earth. In addition, there is no possibility of natural degradation for most of the marine litter, thus threatening marine ecosystem. At the same time, due to the frequent fishing activities of human being, the number and kind of fishes drop sharply and the habitat is being destroyed.
Litter Compression Ship
1:Draw and collect marine litter by turbine in the prow;
Litter Compression Ship
2.Dispose the litter within the ship, and compress them into units in the same shape;
Litter Compression Ship
3.Eject united litter with holes from the stern of the ship, thus becoming a small fish hole;Small litter units pile up and become a large fish hole, providing a new habitat for marine organism.
Litter Compression Ship
When the water and the litter enter into the ship, the water will be discharged through the filter at the bottom and rear end of the ship, while the litter will be blocked by the filter at the bottom .When there is a certain amount of litter, the filter at the bottom will lift to send the litter to the processing region.