OOO by markushmann from hungary

designer's own words:

Anticipation is the timespan that precedes the dramatic climax of any activity. Monotone activities don’t have a pinnacle like this, but they resolve when the process ends.
OOO places multiple resolving periods into a monotonic process, helping people with desk jobs break up long days into multiple, shorter tasks. A device which helps make breaks at work true rest, thus improving efficiency, boosting motivation. Mentally as well as physiologically.
This is achieved by stimulating the body with vibration and a tactile surface, rousing the most sensitive areas of the skin, helping in relaxation and boosting blood circulation. At the beginning of the day, the user divides their workflow into partitions with the help of computer software. The wireless charger dock signals the end of an activity with light signals and OOO starts to vibrate. After a short break the cycle starts over again.
Pulled onto the wrist or elbow as a bracelet OOO vibrates, turned inside out it can be used as a massage glove.
The form was inspired by Japanese zen gardens, which are used for meditation.

Black and beige colors give a homogenic and elegant style.
The form mixes sharp geometric and soft round shapes.

The strap continuously wraps around the wrist.
Main inspiration came from the Japanese zen gardens.
The material is a flexible and stretchy plastic.
Charging is done through a wireless docking station.