Organise it.

Organise it. by Owen Bennett from uk

designer's own words:

Thinking about anticipation I realised the main time I anticipate is when i'm trying to find time to do university work, i'm constantly bombarded with new deadlines and it can all become a bit overwhelming to deal with and all the work seems to merge into one and I often find myself procrastinating and thus the work that I produce is sometimes not up to the quality I know i'm capable of. Because of this I wanted to design a product that can help with this problem. I looked at it in the way of an email box where 20% of the emails you receive are really important and need a response right away. 70% are quite boring and dull but still need some attention at some point and then the final 10% are usually not really important and can be responded to at a later date. With all this in mind i designed a way in which is easy to order your work in this fashion and split up your work load. i have also tried to steer completely away from technology as i found that often the main time people procrastinate is when they are on their phones or laptops pointlessly browsing through the web and social media. the products i have made are clearly scaled in height order to indicate the importance. There would also be a clear differentiation between the weights of each block with the most important block being significantly heavier than the lesser important one. I would make the blocks out pine as it is a calming wood and coat them in cedar wood oil as this is indicated that it helps to calm people due to the texture of it.

Title board
Organise it.
Research board
Organise it.
Ideation board
Organise it.
Final design