Social table

Social table by Edwin de Kuiper from netherlands

designer's own words:


With this design I anticipate on the growing individuality caused by the use of social media. This seems a ‘contradictio in terminis’. Let me explain; people nowadays spend a lot of time at their social media friends. But are these social media friends real friends? Or are we facing a future in which we don’t communicate and interact with our friends ‘live and in person’ anymore, but only by individual action through smart phones?
With the social table, I stimulate people to really be together, to enjoy each other’s company, to share ideas, to connect directly, to have a sense of being part of a real group of friends/community. Because in the near future; these skills and joys may be lost, because of the social media.

A few months ago, I was at the birthday of my nephew who turned 16. After he received my congratulations he went back to his seat; a couch he shared with two friends. They didn’t speak to each other, but each was individually tuned into their smart phone. They stayed this way the entire evening. Despite the fact that it was a funny sight (3 guys being comfortable around each other, each doing their own thing), the fact that they did not communicate with each other kept me thinking and also disturbed me a bit.

Nowadays it is not unusual that people (even youngsters) are so consumed with their smart phone and social media, that they hardly can spent time without their phone. Playing games on the phone, the constant updates of social media friends, the pressure of sharing their own ‘likes’ or things they do, eat, see, comment on, seems more important than to actually be with friends, to share thoughts, ideas, dreams, jokes, experiences, emotions.

The ‘fear of missing out’ seems to stand between having a good contact with your friends live and in real time. Will people in a few years dare to look at each other? Can people still start conversations, react to each other and communicate in real live?
I designed the ‘social table’ to stimulate people in a playful way to really connect to each other. In person.

Working social-table
First off course; the table is a perfect spot to sit by with friends or acquaintances. Second, the phones will be put in the drawers of the table. They may be near, but may not be used. Off course the phones can be charged when placed in the table. Third, the table will light up icons (traditional 32x32 Pixels/LED’s), you can use it in different ways to start a real live social event!

As a conversation starter: when the icon ‘movie’ shows up, the topic for conversation will be movies. When the icon ‘mail/envelop’ shows up, the topic may be: the most bizarre email you ever received, the most daring love letter you ever wrote, the famous post stamp collection of your uncle Henry and how he seduced your aunt Tilly with it…..

Games: when the icon ‘music’ shows up: you can try find a famous music hit from each of the countries of Europe, you can try to be the first with 10 songs with ‘love’ in the title, find as many as covers of ‘My way’’, etc…

one person can use the lighting icon to start a story, the next person continues the story including the next icon, and so on….……

The table is suitable for children, youngsters, your boss and his wife when coming to dinner, your family (hello aunt Tilly!!), dementing elders.
It is all about association, imagination, being together and connect. The social table makes people communicate!

Materials and technology

Table surface: transparent acrylic layer with on top a thin wooden veneer (birch or bamboo).
Electronics: Icons are created with an matrix of 32 x 32 LED’s (32×32 LED Matrix). Small controller can be programmed for different games.
Frame: steel, powder coated matt.

Contemporary minimalistic table design
Social table
Table from side, closed and off

Social table
Detail drawer to put your smart phone
Social table
Table from side, demo mode, all icons (32×32) places are on
Social table
Table overview, demo mode, all icons (32×32) places are on
Social table
Test with veneer and a LED matrix 32×32 LEDS, used for the icons