Project Play

Project Play by Oliver Staiano from uk

designer's own words:

Project Play comprises of a series of table lamps, with each object made by a standalone machine. Aiming to create new value between object and user, honest focus and magnification is put on the manufacturing process. Geometrically simple but materially complex; their value aims to be enhanced through long term interaction with carefully select and playful material properties.

‘In anticipation of technology to come’. The head of the lamp, where the light source is contained, is wirelessly powered via resonant inductive coupling, a technology not yet widely implemented.

A journey into material experimentation drove the direction of the project. Throughout the design process, a multitude of materials and techniques were tested with focus on the creation of something new; ending in the creation of a magnetic rubber. Founded through a blend of ferrous powder and silicone, the magnetic material forms the body of the lamps.
With a magnet encased inside the head of the lamp, it is then to able to be positioned freely around the body, benefitting an engagement of playful interaction between user and object. The wireless power allows the light to be on whilst it is magnetically attached to the body, and off when not attached.

Project play lamp
Project Play
Project play lamp range

Project Play
The head can be freely positioned around the body of the lamp
Project Play
Materials testing and samples
Project Play
Magnetism testing and materials creation