AQR by Kai Chun from

designer's own words:

For people in regions lacking in resources, the word “Anticipation” is hope for survival. We hope to improve local living conditions with this design. To allow their “Anticipation=Future”!

Unclean drinking water has resulted in high mortality rates in disaster areas and regions where water resources are scarce. Humanitarian organizations have expended much cognitive effort to attempt to solve this problem. However, because these areas frequently lack power supplies, the transport and purification of water resources becomes a critical problem to overcome.

We designed a device that enabled us to extract water from the air. The design principle is as follows: First, when the wet air passed through the adsorbent, water vapor was adsorbed. Second, the upper layer of the heating device is heated using lenses to increase the temperature to create positive internal pressure, which pushed the water from the upper layer to the lower layer. As the adsorbent desorbed water because of the heat, it is able to readsorb water vapor, facilitating sustainable and reusable use without polluting the environment.

This device was light, easy to transport and operate, and required no electricity. The device could improve the problem of water scarcity and enhance drinking water quality.

Decrease mortality caused by Unclean drinking water and save time to get water.