Kind toilet roll

Kind toilet roll by Kitae Pak from korea

designer's own words:

Toilet roll which we are using commonly sometimes makes person using toilet embarrassed because of familiarity prepared in the sample place constantly and difficulties which we cannot expect the time of use-up of toilet paper. To prevent such embarrassment, we’d like to propose the design of toilet roll which can anticipate the use-up timing.

A person entering toilet can foresee the status of toilet roll naturally and can avoid awkward happening by preparing new spare toilet tissue if necessary, due to red color indicating warning.
Kind toilet roll
Familiarity disturbs our expectation. Probably anyone had ever has experience cheated by toilet roll hung in the tissue holder. Experience which toilet roll that there has been enough certainly was lacking absurdly, but we would attribute to ourselves and people living with us rather than attribute to toilet tissue.
Kind toilet roll
The rapid change in color is a message of warning which anyone can recognize easily.
Kind toilet roll
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Kind toilet roll
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