Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer

Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer by Jeffery Lin from taiwan

designer's own words:

The core of our team’s design is social design. We identified problems such as labor shortages and relevant problems through exploring issues in fast growing cities. The biggest problem is the yearly decrease in birth rate. Governments everywhere are proposing childbirth subsidies and building physical facilities. Our team believes that utilizing design to help the public sectors with physical facilities will be the key direction for the next three to five years. Therefore, we chose to design for public nursing and childcare centers. We discovered that given the environment of public nursing and childcare centers, it is not easy to notice when a child has a fever and teachers are often caught off guard. So, we propose a product design combining a thermograph and a digital camera. Backend data can effectively assist teachers to identify which child has a fever instantaneously and immediately quarantine the child and provide medical attention. Parent will feel more confident about leaving their children with public nursing and childcare centers and teachers can manage with convenience and less pressure.

Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer
Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer
Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer
Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer
Public Nursing and Childcare Thermometer