water float sos island

water float sos island by HSIU-CHEN from taiwan

designer's own words:

According to World Ocean Council’s research data, a person can survive on the ocean for a maximum of 3-4 days without fresh water. Survival can extend to two weeks with fresh water. Therefore, water is the key to survival on the sea. This product integrates the life vest, life buoy and lifeboat to simplify yet increase the effectiveness of lifesaving equipment. Every unit of this product has a sea water filtering function to save humans from dehydration and life threatening sunburn. Combining all units will form a lifeboat not only increasing flotation efficacy but also strengthen the weak relationship between humans. With the willpower to survive and a complete set of life saving equipment, the possibility of survival will increase thus decreasing the likelihood of tragedy.

water float sos island
water float sos island
water float sos island