Baya by apostolos tsivolas from greece
designer's own words:
This is “Baya”, a LED light panel which is transformed by the user’s needs.
On the main panel are attached 278 semi-transparent cube-shaped buttons. In fact these cubes are switches and lights together. Inside every cube exists a small LED mechanism and behind that is a silicon cushion in order to return the cube in the first position when is pushed. Underneath and attached to the panel there is the electronic circuit. “Baya” is powered on from domestic sockets though a power cord.
When the cube is pushed by the user the light is ON. When the user pushes again the same cube the light is OFF.
From the side there is a main switch (hidden from the front view) which turns ON and OFF the glowing cubes in one move.
The user can make his own shape design light, in relation to particular areas of the house and it's obvious that there are countless light designs according to the user's creativity.
Structure’s total dimensions are 115cmx220cm.
Main materials are acrylic glass (Plexiglas) for the cube buttons and for the rest parts polyethylene (plastic).
The structure could be attached or hanged on a wall in horizontal or vertical way.
Exploded view