victoria siemer turns mac notifications into personal and emotional alerts
all images courtesy of victoria siemer





computer notifications informing you on when to charge your battery, why your application unexpectedly quit and how often you should update your program preferences are routine and persistent. many mac users know the warning of an improperly-ejected disk and slowly loading progress bars. 


brooklyn-based graphic designer victoria siemer has turned these digital announcements into emotional experiences by translating OSX interface notifications into deeply personal and individual events. the series ‘human error’ includes sentimental scenarios as phrases like ‘he broke your heart unexpectedly’, allowing the option to ‘ignore, report, or reopen’; a warning for ‘low-self esteem’ urges users to restore as soon as possible; and a blue bar loads the process to an ‘existential crisis’. 

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘he broke your heart unexpectedly – click to reopen, report or ignore’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘heart not ejected properly’ 

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘low self esteem warning – please restore as soon as possible’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘ready to move on – some emotions cannot be updated automatically’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘loading existential crisis’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘the relationship could not be restored- an unknown error occurred’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘trust this lover? – you’ve been hurt before. trusting this lover will allow them full access to your heart’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘your heart is almost full – you need to make more space available on your heart by deleting past lovers’

victoria siemer human error emotional computer notifications
‘deleting inhibitions’