sound artist fraction presents entropia audio-visual installation
all images courtesy of sébastien roy




entropy comes from a greek word meaning transformation. it defines a system, or thing, that functions at a level of disorganization or lack of information. the word is at the base of ‘entropia’ an immersive music installation by sound artist fraction, in collaboration with louis philippe st-arnault, nature graphique, and creation ex nihilo.

fraction entropia audio-visual performance installation designboom
installation performance 




co-produced by the society for art and technology, the installation took over the satosphère — a venue in montreal — during IX symposium. the piece was built on site, and includes over 6000 unique, controllable pixels that change on cue. voice and sound are provided through the space’s 157 speakers, featuring 32 looped voices.

close-up of fraction 




fraction immerses visitors in an intense audio-visual experience using sound spatialization, direct light, and projections. ‘entropia’ is based on inharmonic layers and abstracted textures, with composition focusing on harsh notes that breakthrough in climactic bursts. light movements in the space accompany noises in a complex choreography. ‘entropia’ benefitted from the society for art and technology residency program throughout the project in its entirety


video courtesy of fraction 

fraction entropia audio-visual performance installation designboom

dome and dynamic graphics 

sound artist fraction presents entropia audio-visual installation
red dome lighting with ceiling projection 

fraction entropia audio-visual performance installation designboom
deep red lighting  

sound artist fraction presents entropia audio-visual installation
the geodesic dome was designed by louis philippe st-arnault

structure detail 

sound artist fraction presents entropia audio-visual installation
visitors watch fraction’s performance 

fraction entropia audio-visual performance installation designboom



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: nick brink | designboom