bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
all images courtesy of l. klinkenberg and bin xu




‘freebinding’ is a piece of furniture defined entirely by the user. it consists of loose elements, which are placable anywhere on the ‘motherboard’ base, as called by creator bindesign. the studio’s focus for the piece is connections; between user and environment, or person to person. 


solid beech bentwood, styled in the thonet tradition, is used for all placeable elements. to create the motherboard, bindesign used CNC milling to drill holes at regular intervals across the entire surface. to make the set more comfortable, a layer of felt was applied to the seat. ‘freebinding’ is scalable and the combination of elements aren’t fixed, allowing the set to be adjustable to any space or user preference.

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
connections of the bentwood elements in the motherboard




the unit is for use in private and public spaces alike. just as people connect with each other freely, ‘freebinding’ allows you to adjust your position and distance from other users. context, setting, and users determine how the unit is rearranged and used.

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
waiting to be used 

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
‘freebinding’ with arrangement of three seats and light

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
seating and light arrangement

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
replacing seat back

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
detail of motherboard corner

bindesign forms light + seat back modules for varied sitting arrangements
meeting to chat

seating arrangement can make the space public or private

detail of chair back

one of the thonet-influenced chair designs

free-moving pieces are arranged on the motherboard

detail of ‘freebinding’ seat in use

four seats positioned




designboom has received this project through its ‘DIY submissions’ feature, which welcomes readers to submit their own work for publication. see more designboom readers submissions here.