Hodogaya Candle Night

Hodogaya Candle Night by marie yarn from japan

designer's own words:

Hodogaya Candle Night is held to celebrate the turning point of summer to fall that cultivates cherish sensitivity of feeling Japanese four seasons. Only one day in the end of August, this is taken place annually open to the public for free since 2010. The participants greet cordially the auspicious day for closing the summer with lighting the thousands candles in field all over the large park. The organizer and guests dress in kimono or yukata delicately, who gather the park where echo with the ancient Japanese sound by drums, shakuhachi, bamboo flutes, shamisen, and so on. They are entertained at the tea ceremony that reflects the passing season in conduct, arrangement, and confectionery. The summer night colored with flickering lights, sounds, and installation allures people. Since I make the main occupation as a general producer of the craftsman and artists who create the accessories related to kimono, as sprung by desire to come to wear kimono, I always take care. This candle night events is also produced from the viewpoint. Once, as old Japanese prepared gratefully their best for special days, I aim to make the exiting place that people want to wear kimono to go out.

Hodogaya Candle Night at sunset
Hodogaya Candle Night
Tea ceremony in the summer lights
Hodogaya Candle Night
Spirits of summer across the candle field
Hodogaya Candle Night
Volunteers in preparation
Hodogaya Candle Night
Student volunteers practiced how to wear a kimono for this day
Hodogaya Candle Night
Spectators enjoying in summer attire