ASU student jetpack project enhances runner’s speed and agility
image courtesy of arizona state university
jason kerestes, a student at arizona state university (ASU) has created the ‘4 minute mile’ a wearable jetpack that enhances the runner’s speed and agility. a prototype has been built and is being tested in order to refine its design, with the aim to make it as effective as possible. its extent of usage possibilities could range from sports to military as it would improve athletes’ speeds as well as soldiers’.
alexander d. chaplin tests out the benefits of the jetpack with time trials
videos courtesy of ASU research
the 4MM venture is part of a ASU program called iprojects, which brings pupils and industry companies together to find solutions to real-world problems. this enables the graduates to put the knowledge they learn in the classrooms into work for actual business.
how the iprojects merge students with the real industry
[h/t] pocket-lint