communication braille bench by jirachai from thailand
designer's own words:
Braile bench is the project where we want to create the communication space between handy cap and public. The bench is actually the public bench where we used braille wording as the communication to the blind. For general public, the braille word are judgetify as texture and design. But for the blind, the communicate said "if you sit alone, try to move a bit to a side and give some space for someone" . The main idea of this theme is that handicap people always feel difference in the society. Therefore, if once in a while, they could feel difference as a giver instead of the received...they that will make them feel as normal. So in the case , we have the idea that what can the handicap can offer to the society....which we have identify as "Space" . The bench itself is made out of teakwood as public bench. A small accent has added to create the green space with planter box.
braille bench 1
braille bench closed up
braille bench 2
braille bench 3