nobumichi asai applies electronic make-up using real-time face tracking CGI




like something straight out of a sci-fi film, CGI expert nobumichi asai and a team of creative developers and directors developed ‘omote’, a real-time face tracking & projection installation. using state-of-the-art technology, the visual mapping concept transforms a model’s face into mesmerizing patterns with an electronic equivalent of make-up. in the initial stages of the process, a 3D laser scans and creates a three dimensional facial replica with pin-point accuracy, complete with detailed surfaces and contours. a selection of animated graphics are then layered on the face and manipulated by the artist in real-time. later this august, ‘omote’ will be showcased in front of a live audience in japan, where visitors can experience the concept first hand.



video courtesy of something wonderful

facial surface models created by the 3D laser scanner