Instante Currency - Explore the world

Instante Currency - Explore the world by João P. Gomes from portugal

designer's own words:

> Introduction

Travel! Enjoy the beauty of life, no matter if it is for business or tourism. The modern world makes us global people, we travel, we live in a multicultural world. However, our global economy is very stratified! Each country manages its own economy and has its own currency, clearly a wall to the highly acclaimed cultural globalization that social networks and the media are creating today. My idea is turn down a part of that wall, with a very simple solution.

Do you know the world of smartphones? And social networks? Instagram, says anything to you? My idea is to create the most useful application that a person could have on a trip: An instant calculator the value of a coin or note. How? Through a simple photograph! Simpler than that? Currently photographic technology allows identifying the face of people automatic (technology that was blocked to use in social networks), why not use the same technology to identify notes and coins? And if we combine these pictures to a new social network even more simplified than Instagram, where we post the photo, creating albums of each foreing currency that we  had in our hands, almost creating online collections of coins and bills? More, and if to each serial number was automatically added a hashtag with the same number and we can know the other previous owners of that note that have account in that social network and photographed it also?

My idea walks for creating a program that encourages us to meet new currencies, new cultures and traveling. An application for both types of travelling people: the business man/woman and the tourist.

> The App

The application is very simple in terms of information architecture.

1) A scan through the photo taken in real time after which the picture will tell the note data and will ask if you want to publish or not on the social network. [offline / online]
2) The App is the social network and the scan is integrated [online]
3) Have a waiting list for the photos to publish late when you are offline (that list have a warning when you start the app and have photos in waiting) [offline]

> The Social Netwok

1) Profiles
1.1 Personal data: name, local and age
1.2 Follow button
1.3 Display fotos (picture, album and loacl modes)

2) Pesquisar

Three possibilities, one search engine: by currency, country, and user, and is also always displayed content of the three, with its own tabs in the result.

3) Login

Login is required always in the start of App (with the usual system of memorize the username and pass)

4) Sign Up

The sign up have only five required data:

1. Name
2. E-mail
3. Country
4. Date of birth
5. Password

Or Login with facebook, twitter or google+

5) Albums

Created automatically sorted by currency name. Next of currency name will be a link to better understand a small part of the history of that currency, countries where circulates or has circulated, etc. Possibility of this link being to a internal app history or redirect users to the wikipedia page on the smartphone browser.

6) Photos

Legend: 1st line with name + currency + value of the currency + #serialnumber; 2nd and subsequent lines with custom user description (limited to 150 characters)

7) Followers

Since it is not a social network of communication but of collection, almost like a game, no friend requests or social friends. Does everything through a button to follow other collectors of the network.

8) Home Page Feed

A feed like the Pinterest have, with blocks of photos, with name + value of money and the beginning of the description if have it. The hashtag is only visible in the specific window of the photo.

9) Integration with other social network

The possibility of integration with other social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Google + is a real asset to the popularization of the app and the brand DEUTSCHE BANK.

> Objectivos Finais

1) DEUTSCHE BANK as a world brand

2) Encouraging exchanges between different currencies

Placement of brand among the target audience no customer via integration with facebook, twitter, etc.

4) Avoid scams to customers traveling

5) Facilitate knowledge of the current value of a currency (constantly changing)

6) Fast and effective monetary, something right defended by DEUTSCHE BANK

> Barriers

1) Legal Legislation in several countries

2) Lack of access to the internet in some countries and local

3) Network Management

> Conclusion

I think it is an executable and economic idea, helping many customers of DEUTSCHE BANK on their travels, whether for business or tourism, avoiding scams and wasting time. DEUTSCHE BANK as a world brand, have a possibility to have a mouth to mouth advert with that App and no one need to be marketeer to know that.

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Instante Currency - Explore the world
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Instante Currency - Explore the world
Home Page Feed
Instante Currency - Explore the world
Camera Scan Page