Social Banking

Social Banking by Federico from argentina

designer's own words:

BISO is the first social Banking experience for middle to low incomes users, a mix between a telco and a Bank.

Mechanic : In stead of a bank account, IT will be a cell phone with a contract for 2 years and the account number will be their phone number. 100% mobile.

Problems: Low and variable incomes, don't trust in the banks, difficult access to technology and information, don't have proper financiation

Solution: savings, education, access to technology, access to proper financiation and investments, lending p2p, transparent and simple.

this is Mabel in the door of a small retail store doing a withdrawal, rhis will reduce the cost of the bank not just for branch maintenance but also for cash transfers, creating sustainable regional economies and constant cash flow
Social Banking
In this board we can see an example of how to integrate social networks and crowd purchases for wholesale prices in food. plus getting information to create a more accurate credit score

Social Banking
In this picture we can see the regular incomes, and how we could help them order their finance
Social Banking
This is the potential market share, how we could reach severall millions only in Latam, and the fusion of banking and mobile communications seems to be a natural next step.
Social Banking
A sample of the benchmarks page where they can compare their best options.