stéphane malka takes over places of worship with ardent chapel
all images courtesy of malka architecture




stéphane malka‘s most recent work sees the french architect design a memorial to those who have been persecuted by religious fanaticism. the ‘ardent chapel’ monument is conceived as an extension of paris’ notre dame cathedral with two glittering edifices that rise above the church into the night sky. this pair of towers symbolizes a desire for renewal and for a less dogmatic religion, while simultaneously referencing the history of the french landmark.

stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
the pair of towers symbolize a desire for renewal and for a less dogmatic religion




original plans for the notre-dame show two spires rising beyond the towers. however, after the cathedral was completed in the late 12th century, it underwent several transformations, under the supervision of architect eugène viollet-le-duc. according to him, ‘to restore an edifice means neither to maintain it, nor to repair it, nor to rebuild it; it means to reestablish it in a finished state, which may in fact never have actually existed at any given moment’. with this quote in mind, the addition is constructed from simple blocks and timber planks, with the delicate extension outlining the silhouette of a memorial.


the project is taken from stéphane malka‘s book le petit pari(s) published by editions courtes & longues.

stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
the delicate extension outlines the silhouette of a memorial

stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
luminescent urns are suspended in each of the towers

stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
rendering of the project in context of paris’s urban fabric

stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
the project model outlines the height of the two new spires

stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
the design is constructed from simple blocks and timber planks,



teaser for le petit pari(s), an architectural kamasutra
video courtesy of stéphane malka


stephane malka architecture ardent chapel designboom
the project is taken from stéphane malka’s book ‘le petit pari(s)’