jameson house by foster + partners all photos by nigel young

jameson house, is the first mixed-use project designed by international firm foster + partners in canada. the 35-storey tower is situated in the heart of vancouver, and combines the restoration of heritage buildings with new construction, connecting the site to the city’s financial centre with its emerging creative hub.

foster + partners: jameson house street view level

overall, the scheme integrates two 1920s beaux arts structures, whereby, the entire internal double-heigh volume of the A-listed ceperley founsfell building has been returned to its original configuration, and the façade of the B-listed royal financial building is retained. the lower eleven storeys of the development are dedicated to commercial and business use, while the twenty-three storeys above are residential. the form of the structure articulates these multiple functions: the first two storeys of the tower continue the row of shop units at street level, while the uppermost office floor aligns with the cornice line of the adjacent building.

foster + partners: jameson house street view and detail of alignment with surrounding historic buildings

to articulate the different uses of the tower, the façade of the residential units curve outwards in four wide bays, staggered in such a way that they offer uninterrupted views to the surrounding landscape, while also allowing sunlight to reach neighbouring buildings. the top two storeys of ‘jameson house’ function as penthouse apartments and landscaped roof terraces.

foster + partners: jameson house the residential units of the tower are defined by a façade that curves outward in four wide bays

‘jameson house’ is a response to the local climate, seasonal sun paths, prevailing winds, humidity levels, air temperatures and precipitation rates of vancouver. the firm’s in-house engineering group – formerly known as PHA consult – has been involved in the project from the outset, creating a fully integrated approach to environmental engineering and architectural design leading to features such as chilled floors and mechanized valet parking system, which reduces the number of parking levels and associated excavation, lighting and ventilation requirements.

foster + partners: jameson house the first two storeys of the tower continue the row of shop units at street level, while the uppermost office floor aligns with the cornice line of the adjacent building

‘vancouver has a spectacular location, surrounded by mountains and the sea. the design makes the most of the city’s fantastic natural setting, with balconies and deep bay windows looking out towards the landscape. jameson house further develops a number of key themes that have been integral to our work for many years. the project combines restoration with new construction; it is high-density and mixed-use, offering a sustainable model for urban living; and it demonstrates innovation, both in its evolution of the high-rise building and its progressive environmental agenda.’ – lord foster

foster + partners: jameson house lobby

foster + partners: jameson house elevator hall

foster + partners: jameson house general view of one of the apartments

foster + partners: jameson house living room layout

foster + partners: jameson house parking garage

the ‘jameson house’ offers a fully-mechanized, under-ground parkade for its residence. a hassle free approach to parking, simply pull into a secure transfer station, lock your vehicle and go. your car is then taken away safely as you enter the main elevator. when you are ready to depart, your vehicle is returned to you once again.

video demonstration of jameson house’s fully automated parking

foster + partners: jameson house


foster + partners: jameson house


foster + partners: jameson house

commercial floor plan

foster + partners: jameson house

residential floor plan