a slot car races features miniature model vehicles competing at high speeds image courtesy of slotcarraccing.org

a recent race in helsinki organized by the finland rail car enthusiasts club illustrates how technologically advanced the world of slot car racing has become. slot car races involve the speeding of miniature automobiles (frequently modeled after real vehicles at 1:24 or 1:32 scale) around a grooved track.

the eight cars in the helsinki race are not modeled after real cars but instead designed to maximize speed, based on optimized aerodynamic design and materials use. each car is aligned in a uniquely coloured track, controlled remotely by its creator. while the cars in the event documented below travel at speeds almost too fast for the video camera to capture, this is not unusual in the world of 1/24th scale competitive slot car racing!

video footage of a recent race in helsinki

slot car racing at high speeds view of the competing cars

via the daily what