cornrow bike helmet protects the head with cushioned braids
all images courtesy of creatures of comfort





here at designboom, we’ve featured bicycle helmets with extraordinary functions and technological additions — the ‘helmdo’ by german studio bless rethinks safety gear in a totally different way, by appropriating a familiar hairdo directly into its design. sold by creatures of comfort, the bike gear is outfitted to look like the popular cornrow hairstyle, characterized by lines of braids that are woven from the front to the back of the head. featured in brunette, the helmet composes columns of twisted material, thicker towards the top and tapered at the ends, where the neck would be. fluffy and lightweight, the nylon hard cap is surrounded by the cushioned braiding detail and black straps and a plastic strip for adjustments are integrated design features.

cornrow bike helmet by bless protects with cushioned braids
‘bless helmdo’ fitted to a mannequin

cornrow bike helmet by bless protects with cushioned braids
side view

cornrow bike helmet by bless protects with cushioned braids 
back view of the bike helmet

cornrow bike helmet by bless protects with cushioned braids 
the head gear from the front