parasite production by samuel treindl at IMM cologne 2014
‘brass shelf’
photo by rolf wohrle




using ongoing processes to create new objects from existing furniture pieces, german designer samuel treindl has developed ‘parasite production’, a series of functinal off-cuts being presented at IMM cologne 2014. from luminaries, wardrobes and clocks, the size, material and decorative finish of each design is flexible and determined in the production process. the same holds true of the color; the items are coated in the same dyes used for the original piece. each unit is an example of the arbitrary nature of the ornaments produced in this way.

parasite production by samuel treindl

‘brass shelf’ detail

parasite production by samuel treindl

‘parasite production’ collection

parasite production by samuel treindl

‘clock cabinet’

parasite production by samuel treindl

‘clock cabinet’


‘object yellow’

parasite production by samuel treindl

‘object yellow’

parasite production by samuel treindl