‘young at art museum’ by glavovic studio, davie, florida, united states
image © aecom




floridan practice glavovic studio inc in collaboration with aecom has recently inaugurated the new young at art museum| broward county library in davie, florida. the LEED gold certified structure covers 55,000 square feet of creative and informative spaces all based around the experience of the children. the structure contains four major exhibit areas, an art institute including studios for 2D visual arts, ceramics, 3D graphics, photography, a library, teen center, cafe, conference areas and a reading room. the large butterfly roof is wrapped in a TPO membrane that reflects much of the direct solar heat helping to keep the interior cool. structural, mechanical, and infrastructural systems are left exposed, saving costs on unnecessary finishes and allowing natural light from the roof to reach the ground floor. on-site water collection and solar orientation are just some of the features that make the building an architecturally, as well as socially, responsible project.



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © robin hill



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © robin hill



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
play room area
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
image © aecom



glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
inner courtyard
image © robin hill




glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum

glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
glavovic studio and aecom complete the young at art museum
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